The Science Behind Reiki - What Happens In A Treatment

Independent research by Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. John Zimmerman during the 1980's investigated what happens while people practice therapies such as Reiki. They found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronized in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation, but also they pulse in unison with the earth's magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance.

During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the practitioners' hands is at least 1000x greater than normal, and not as a result of internal body current. Toni Bunnell (1997) suggests that the linking of energy fields between practitioner and earth allows the practitioner to draw on the "infinite energy source" or "universal energy field" via the Schuman Resonance. Prof. Paul Davies and Dr. John Gribben in The Matter Myth (1991), discuss the quantum physics view of a "living universe" in which everything is connected in a "living web of interdependence". All of this supports the subjective experience of "oneness" and "expanded consciousness" related by those who regularly receive or self-treat with Reiki.

Dr. Zimmerman (1990) in the USA and Dr. Seto (1992) in Japan further investigated the large pulsating biomagnetic field that is emitted from the hands of energy practitioners while they work. They discovered that the pulses are in the same frequencies as brain waves, and sweep up and down from 0.3 - 30 Hz, focusing mostly in 7 - 8 Hz, alpha state. Independent medical research has shown that this range of frequencies will stimulate healing in the body, with specific frequencies being suitable for different tissues. For example, 2 Hz encourages nerve regeneration, 7 Hz bone growth, 10 Hz ligament mending, and 15 Hz capillary formation. Physiotherapy equipment based on these principles has been designed to aid soft tissue regeneration, and ultra sound technology is commonly used to clear clogged arteries and disintegrate kidney stones. In addition, it has been known for many years that placing an electrical coil around a fracture that refuses to mend will stimulate bone growth and repair.

Dr. Becker explains that "brain waves" are not confined to the brain, but travel throughout the body via the perineural system, the sheaths of connective tissue surrounding all the nerves. During a treatment, these waves begin as relatively weak pulses in the thalamus of the practitioner's brain, and gather cumulative strength as they flow to the peripheral nerves of the body, including the hands. The same effect is mirrored in the person receiving treatment, and Dr. Becker suggests that it is this system, more than any other, that regulates injury repair and system re-balance. This highlights one of the special features of Reiki (and similar therapies), that both practitioner and client receive the benefits of a treatment, which makes it very efficient.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Becker carried out this study on a worldwide array of cross-cultural subjects, and no matter what their belief systems or customs or how opposed to other customs they were, they all tested the same. Part of Reiki's growing popularity is that it does not impose a set of beliefs, and can therefore be used by people of any background and faith, or no faith at all. This neutrality makes it particularly appropriate to a medical setting, or any setting.

Independent Research by Dr. Robert Becker & Dr. John Zimmerman

Excerpts by Prof. Paul Davies & Dr. John Gribben, The Matter Myth


Effects of Reiki
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Accelerates healing
  • Releases stress
  • Relieves pain
  • Clears toxins
  • Releases blocks & suppressed feelings
  • Supports the body's natural ability to heal itself
  • Functions on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) to restore wholeness & balance
  • Increases awareness
  • Is an extremely pleasant, holistic method of healing

Reiki does not conflict with other health-care, but enhances its results. It does not interfere with traditional medical treatment, but facilitates benefits. It provides a source of restoring energy while one is ill, under medical treatment, or in recovery.

Healing Your DNA… Your True Fountain of Youth

DNA or ‘the blueprint of life’ remains in every living cell and provides information about how the cell must function. DNA is influenced by your thoughts, actions and feelings. The way we live our life influences every cell in our body, and affects our DNA.

According to geneticists and Russian scientists, the genetic code is affected by certain frequency sound patterns (as in the human language). Simple words and phrases can literally reprogram a person’s genetic blueprint. Our thoughts are so powerful, and if a person wants to create optimum health in their body, the thoughts we think are as important as the food we eat. Thoughts can have a powerful effect on the mind, the body and the subconscious mind.

We can literally reprogram our genetic blueprint through words…

Every time you start to think a negative thought, it makes changes on a cellular and subconscious level. You can feel it in your body – and you can prove this to yourself. If you think of something negative, your blood pressure may rise, your heart may pound, and you feel the emotions of anger, disgust, pity, sadness, jealousy or other mood changes depending on what you are thinking about – and you may feel tired. Similarly, if you think of something positive, your blood pressure may lower, your heart rate may drop, and you feel the emotions of love, happiness, joy, relief, acceptance, gratitude – and you may feel energized.

Your DNA controls proteins that are made within cells, and the blueprint is passed to every new cell that forms. Our cells are continually dying off, and new ones are born. The only problem is that the DNA replicates itself by making a copy of a copy, instead of a copy of the original. An example of what happens during this process is the same way a copier machine works. If you make many copies of the original, they come out nice and sharp, and the ink is dark. If you make a copy of a copy, the quality is not quite as good as the original. If you continue making a copy of the 2nd copy, the 3rd copy and so on, the quality gets worse and worse. The ink gets more faded, other imperfections may appear, and eventually it will be difficult to read. If we can harness, through our thoughts, to make a copy of the original DNA… we could shift the aging process. Something to think about!

RNA codes for the production of amino acids, which are the building blocks for proteins. Stress hormones that play a critical role in the aging process are regulated by RNA. The RNA can change instructions according to levels of stress. When you make a lifestyle change that reduces stress, the RNA in your cells responds by churning out fewer stress hormones.

Researchers have also found that only 10% of our DNA functions to code and reproduce proteins. The other 90% used to be considered ‘junk DNA’. Dr. Pjotr Garjajev, head of the Russian Branch of the Human Genome Project has uncovered the linguistic and psychic capabilities of ‘junk DNA’. Researchers now believe that this is where we harness our latent psychic abilities such as Telepathy (mental communication), Telekinesis (ability to move objects), Claircognizance (prophetic knowing), Clairaudience (clear hearing such as talking to Angels), Clairsentience (clear feeling or sense), and Clairvoyance (clear vision). Hyper-communication such as remote or distant healing and telepathy is actualized through our DNA.

We can optimize DNA with the power of love & positive thoughts…

This means that we can become healthier, more vibrant Beings with the power of our thoughts and words. Expressing unconditional love promotes changes in our DNA to make us healthier, more vibrant and increase our psychic awareness and abilities. Telling ourselves that we love our body and that our body is healing wherever it needs healing will help to change our DNA and reverse some of the aging processes. The words we express to ourselves and others affect our DNA either positively or negatively – so choose your thoughts and words wisely…

©Copyright, 2013. All rights reserved. This cannot be reprinted or used without permission.

Magnetic Energy, Reiki & Your Health

The Earth’s magnetic field supplies us with vital energy. This primal force is the foundation of life because it also shapes atoms and molecules, according to scientists around the world.

Cells are ordered by magnetism. Atoms & molecules are micro magnets with a plus and minus pole, comparable to the North & South poles. Our bodies also have a plus and minus pole; and we, too, have a magnetic field within us and around our bodies (the aura). Because everything is made up of atoms & molecules, every structure is determined by magnetism. Communications in the body take place via miniscule electric currents and the electromagnetic frequencies they generate. If magnetism is the foundation of every process of life, the disturbance to this magnetism will result in chaos and degeneration ... including in our bodies!

That is exactly what is being observed – an increase in degenerative diseases and chaotic explosions of violence among humans. People are losing contact with the natural frequencies that support life. Russian cosmonauts were becoming sick when out in space and away from the Earth’s magnetic field. When their space station was equipped with a “magnetism generator”, the cosmonauts’ symptoms disappeared.

What is causing these disturbances in our magnetic field? Appliances, radio waves, computers, cell phones and just about all sources of electrical energy are the main culprits.

The ancient cultures, especially the Chinese, Japanese and Egyptians had individuals who could “magnetize” their hands. Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer also successfully applied this type of magnetism in the 18th century. The success of his treatment method was so striking that the medical profession of his time felt threatened and wanted to have Mesmer beheaded. Mesmer was eventually released, and this type of “magnetization” is still practiced by healers today.

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a form of “hands-on” healing that utilizes the Universal Life Force (Chi) energies and balances the “poles” (like the North & South poles) in our bodies. What Mesmer was not able to prove scientifically back then has been proven now. Dr. Robert Becker, Orthopedics Professor, has demonstrated that the healers who magnetize their hands (by rubbing them together and through the power of intention) are in sync with the frequency of the Earth’s natural magnetic field. This magnetic field is called the Schuman Resonance. This same frequency also resonates at the same Hz levels that heal muscle, bone & tissue, as well as emotional and mental issues. The primal force is activated, and we become more attuned with the natural healing force of the Universe.

Zimmerman (1990) in the USA and Seto (1992) in Japan further investigated the large pulsating biomagnetic field that is emitted from the hands of energy practitioners while they work. They discovered that the pulses are in the same frequencies as brain waves, and sweep up and down from 0.3 – 30 Hz, focusing mostly in 7 – 8 Hz, alpha state. Independent medical research has shown that this range of frequencies will stimulate healing in the body, with specific frequencies being suitable for different tissues. For example, 2 Hz encourages nerve regeneration, 7 Hz bone growth, 10 Hz ligament mending, and 15 Hz capillary formation.

Physiotherapy equipment based on these principles has been designed to aid soft tissue regeneration, and ultra sound technology is commonly used to clear clogged arteries and disintegrate kidney stones. In addition, it has been known for many years that placing an electrical coil around a fracture that refuses to mend will stimulate bone growth and repair.

Dr. Becker explains that "brain waves" are not confined to the brain, but travel throughout the body via the perineural system, the sheaths of connective tissue surrounding all the nerves. During a Reiki treatment, these waves begin as relatively weak pulses in the thalamus of the practitioner's brain, and gather cumulative strength as they flow to the peripheral nerves of the body, including the hands. The same effect is mirrored in the person receiving treatment, and Becker suggests that it is this system, more than any other, that regulates injury repair and system rebalance. This highlights one of the special features of Reiki - that both practitioner and client receive the benefits of a treatment, which makes it very efficient.

Many of my clients feel this magnetic energy while I’m working on clearing and balancing their energy field. Reiki helps the body and its subtle layers to get back in balance, and enables the body to heal itself. Over the years of practicing Reiki, I’ve had numerous clients who healed from diseases, and their tumors would shrink or disappear altogether by using the healing energy of Reiki.

What makes Reiki different from other forms of energy healing is the special attunements a new practitioner receives during a Reiki class. The attunement process creates a burst of this healing energy to channel through the practitioner’s crown chakra and out their palms instantly creating a magnetic “balance”. This magnetism is our primal force – an incredible healing energy and foundation for all of life.

Copyright, 2013. All rights reserved. This cannot be reprinted or used without permission

Scientific Studies of Metaphysical Healing

Scientists around the world are discovering that Reiki, and other forms of energy healing or therapeutic touch succeed, and they are all based on theories of Quantum Physics. The discovery and investigation of electromagnetic phenomena in the early part of the 19th century led to the concept of the field, or Field Theory. A field was defined as a condition in space that has the potential of producing a force. Thus, the concept of a universe filled with fields that create forces that interact with each other was born.

Here is a scientific framework with which we could explain our ability to affect one another at a distance through means other than speech and sight. This explains some of our experiences such as hearing the phone ring and knowing who is calling, or thinking of someone and they call at that moment. This theory also taps into the field of telepathy. Physicists say that the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns. If the universe is composed of such a web, there is no such thing as a part. Thus we are not separated parts of a whole... we are a whole.

Dr. David Bohm said in his book, The Implicate Order, that “parts are seen to be in immediate connection, in which their dynamical relationships depend in an irreducible way on the state of the whole system”. Dennis Gabor received a Nobel Prize for constructing the first hologram in 1971. Every piece of the hologram is an exact representation of the whole and will reconstruct the entire image.

Barbara Ann Brennan, a former research scientist for NASA and now a practicing energy healer and psychotherapist says, “The ability to see inside the body at any level with a varying resolution could imply the use of additional dimensions. The ability to perceive events from the past by simply asking for that information, or to see a probable event and then to change that event by intervening through the healing process, could imply nonlinear time. The ability to see an event that will take place in the future goes beyond linear time”. She goes on to state, “From the holographic framework of reality each piece of the aura not only represents, but also contains, the whole. Thus, we can only describe our experience with a phenomenon that we both at the same time observe and create.”

For me personally, intent is everything when I am working with a client. This intention to be the best healing channel, and staying 100% focused for my client’s healing, is of utmost importance. During this focused meditative state that I achieve as I’m working on someone, I’m observing energy imbalances in their body and aura, and helping to create a new outcome of balance, harmony and well-being.

Meditation is one way of transcending the limits of the linear mind, and allows the connectedness of all things to become an experiential reality. During this meditative state, I tap into the higher consciousness and become very intuitive and can “see” where the problem lies within a persons' body and energy field. Barbara Brennan is a Medical Intuitive like I am, and having the ability to “see” inside the body and “see” past events that are affecting an individual in the present shows that there is more to healing than just what we can physically see and touch in the 3rd dimension.

Becoming a ‘healer’ means to move toward this universal creative power, which is actually love. Love is the true healer of all things. It’s becoming one with God or whatever you choose to call the Source of Divine Consciousness, which is within all of us. Tapping into the God Consciousness brings a sense of “oneness” with the Universe and all it has to offer, and moves us into a nonlinear timeframe. The phenomenon of observation and creation comes together through meditation.

Copyright, 2013. All rights reserved. This cannot be reprinted or used without permission.

The Energetic Being Within: The 7 Major Chakras & Their Functions

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) can help speed healing of muscle, bone and tissue, as well as bring the body into a state of balance with more life energy or Chi. This life energy runs through the Chakras in our body, which then moves into the rest of our body for health and balance. There are 7 major Chakras, and their connections to our organs, glands, and emotions are listed below.

The 7 major Chakras or energy centers in the body (and hundreds of minor ones) receive, assimilate and distribute energy. These Chakras step down the universal life force energy from higher frequencies so that our 3rd dimensional bodies can utilize this energy. This energy or life force enters our body through our electromagnetic field, known as the aura.

The 7 energy centers resonate and vibrate to the same frequencies of the rainbow colors and their corresponding sound vibrations of the C scale in music. When the Chakras are evenly balanced and in tune with each other, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves are working in harmony for optimum health and well-being. Thinking of your body as a musical instrument is a good analogy, because each string (Chakra) of your musical instrument (body) resonates with and becomes harmonized by a corresponding note on the C scale. This is why listening to music can be so relaxing and therapeutic!

Here are the 7 major Chakras with location, associated glands, musical notes, colors and their functions:

• 1st Chakra = Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Musical note = C. Associated with the adrenal glands, spinal column, bones, teeth and nails, anus, colon, prostate gland, blood & building of cells. Color = red. Functions: survival, power to achieve goals, vitality, stability & courage.

• 2nd Chakra = Sacral Chakra, located between the navel and the genitals. Musical note = D. Associated with the reproductive organs, pelvic area, potency, fluid functions, kidneys and bladder. Color = orange. Functions: sexuality, relationships, enthusiasm, union with nature & personal creativity.

• 3rd Chakra = Solar Plexus Chakra, located above the navel and below the chest. Musical note = E. Associated with the pancreas, liver, digestive system, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system, lower back & muscles. Color = yellow. Functions: personal power, self-control, energy, will, peace, radiance, joy, and acceptance of self, strength, action & vitality.

• 4th Chakra = Heart Chakra, located in the center of chest. Musical note = F. Associated with the thymus, heart, blood circulation, immune system, lower lungs, rib cage, skin, upper back & hands. Color = green. Functions: unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, compassion, transformation, sincerity, & selflessness.

• 5th Chakra = Throat Chakra, located in the throat area. Musical note = G. Associated with the thyroid & controls the jaw, neck, throat, voice, airways, upper lungs, nape of neck & arms. Color = blue. Functions: communication, self-expression, inspiration, confidence, integrity, wisdom, truth, independence & access to subtler levels of being.

• 6th Chakra = Third Eye Chakra, located in the center of the forehead. Musical note = A. Associated with the pituitary gland, endocrine system, left brain hemisphere, left eye, nose, ears, sinuses and parts of the nervous system. Color = indigo. Functions: inner vision, intuition, insight, clairvoyance, imagination, ESP, peace of mind, concentration.

• 7th Chakra = Crown Chakra, located at the top of head. Musical note = B. Associated with the pineal gland, cerebrum, right brain hemisphere, central nervous system and right eye. Color = violet. Functions: perfection, divine wisdom & purpose, universal consciousness, bliss, understanding & enlightenment.

The best way to open, clear and balance your Chakras, and therefore your well-being and the amount of energy you have, is to take time to relax, listen to soothing music, be with nature outdoors, and have a Reiki session!

Far-Infrared Rays and Healing

Information from Dr. David Williams Alternatives Newsletter

Far-infrared rays (FIRs) are the portion of the light spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye. Most of the FIRs on Earth come from the sun. Although we can’t see these rays, we can certainly feel them on a daily basis in the form of heat. The human body not only receives FIRs, it radiates them as well.

Everything in the Universe vibrates at its own frequency, which causes a transfer of energy from one substance to another. Like most living things, our bodies consist primarily of water and protein. We easily absorb energy from the FIRs coming from the sun because our vibration frequency is of the same wavelength. When these FIRs penetrate the skin into the deeper tissues, cellular vibration speeds up, creating internal heat. FIRs transform from light energy into heat, or thermal energy.

This phenomenon also explains why in the winter we feel perfectly comfortable wearing a sweater when the room temperature is 70 degrees, and in the summer we feel comfortable in short sleeves with the same room temperature of 70 degrees. The reason: Although the temperature is the same, the walls and the ceiling radiate more FIR waves in the summer – waves that heat our bodies from the inside out.

The thermal effects within the deeper layers of tissue cause the blood vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting increased circulation and removing metabolic waste and toxins through sweating. Vibrating water molecules become more “active” as they are ionized into hydrogen and hydroxide ions that release gases and other toxic materials. Cell mitochondria also increase energy production, thereby raising the metabolic rate.

It’s easy to see just how beneficial far-infrared waves are to our health and why life on Earth is so dependent upon the sun. It doesn’t just warm the body; it activates many essential body functions as well.

One of the most useful detoxification tools available is the far-infrared sauna, which interacts with the unique properties of our skin. These saunas heat your body from the inside out. The air temperature may be 60 to 80 degrees lower than a conventional sauna, but your sweat volume will be 2 to 3 times higher.

A Japanese study discovered that far-infrared therapy improved lactation in 75% of women experiencing difficulty in breast feeding, enabling half of these women to continue breast feeding until weaning.

FIRs can also increase the circulation of blood in bone by as much as 80%, which would be beneficial in the healing of fractures and other problems (Kobe J Med Sic 99; 45:27-39). Furthermore, it improves sleep patterns in both animals and humans and could be used safely to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. (Int. J Biometeorol 89; 33:145-150).

We are constantly being bathed in far-infrared waves. They sustain life, as we know it on Earth. Using FIRs to improve your overall health is about as basic as it gets. Earlier I mentioned that we not only receive far-infrared rays, but we emit them as well. The palms of our hands emit FIRs in the range of 8 to 14 microns. This is one of the basic factors involved in “hands-on” therapies such as Reiki and acupressure.

Some hands-on practitioners and other people seem to have more of this healing “touch”, and you can feel them “giving” you energy when they’re around you and working with you for your healing. Pets emit this energy and close associations with their owners has been shown to increase one’s longevity.