Heal Yourself Through the Power of Your Thoughts
May 3, 2013
The Healing Power of Nature
May 3, 2013The many benefits of looking inward for inner healing, peace & happiness.
A long time ago I learned to simplify my life, and I became happier and more relaxed. When we make little changes in our lifestyle, it can bring big rewards and will eliminate a lot of the stress load we place upon ourselves.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of life’s complexities, and we’re responsible for making it that way. We seem to have an idea that the more we do, the more we accomplish, the more we’re involved – the more we are worth. Competition drives us to work longer hours, and we try to accomplish more to be in the competitive game. If we drive bigger cars, have bigger houses, have lots of nice clothes, and have lots of money, then will we really be happier? If we have all these things, does it truly create happiness?
Self worth gets tied up in outward appearances, instead of looking at our inner truths. Our inner self is where our true beauty is. Take a moment to look inward, and reflect on who you really are, and what your passions and life purpose is… and reflect on how you can make changes for your own health and well-being. Even if your passion seems like an impossible task – you feel that you could never support yourself, or you don’t have the time to do what you truly love – it’s always possible. We don’t get ideas and dreams that are impossible to fulfill… it’s just the way the Universe works. If you can create it in your mind, then you can achieve it.
Simplifying our lives will reduce stress, and we will be happier & more relaxed as a result. You know the old saying, “k.i.s.s.” (I like “keep it sweet & simple”) – well, it’s true. If we take the time for ourselves each day, then all the other things in life become much more fulfilling and enjoyable. If we’re stressed all the time because we’re taking care of the family, working, doing chores, running errands, etc., etc., etc., then it’s time to make a change. Some things are necessary to do, but I bet you could find a number of things you could either cut out entirely, or cut back.
Living a simpler, life has its rewards. Eliminate some unnecessary things in your life, and take control. “Downsize”, as they say. Then make the time for relaxation, walking, meditation, listening to music, being in nature, exercising – all of these things are so healing for your body and your psyche. You’ll be bringing more joy into your life, and your family will feel the difference too.
Live simply and with heart… you’ll be happier – guaranteed!